Tag Archives: Greek system

Gunman Shoots, Kills Guard At Holocaust Museum : NPR

Gunman Shoots, Kills Guard At Holocaust Museum : NPR

What does one say at a time like this?

Or maybe I should say “in times like these”—thinking back on the murder of Dr. Tiller, this past Sunday’s sermon on Obama as the anti-Christ, the series of horrendous shootings in April

According to a follow-up article on NPR, the “Museum Shooting Suspect Has Long Trail Of Vitriol”—but more specifically of anti-Semitic and white supremacist vitriol, of the kind that I discuss briefly in End of Days II. One website advertises a book by someone presumed to be the suspect, James von Brunn, that is described as a “hard-hitting expose of the JEW CONSPIRACY to destroy the White gene pool.” The suspect also apparently quit studying art because the art department was dominated by “Marxist/Liberal concepts.” Continue reading