Tag Archives: hoodies

An Alternative to Amazon.com’s Occupy Hoodie

 As an alternative to the #Occupy hoodie from Amazon.com that I wrote about previously

(Image from Not All Occupy Protestors Are Anarchists; Just the Cool Ones | Neon Tommy.)

Just take your basic black hoodie – bought from some nice, non-corporate capitalist exploiter and not made in a sweatshop (and when you find that shop let me know) – and then tape any slogan you want to it.

You’ll still run the risk of being shot, beaten or pepper-sprayed, but you won’t have contributed to Amazon.com’s bottom line along the way.

On the other hand, there’s still this…

Frank Kozik limited edtion black Anarchy Cat Qee 8″ vinyl figure

Occupy Wall Street Hoodie

This will get you shot in Florida, beaten by the cops in NYC and pepper-sprayed on University of California campuses…

The Occupy Wall Street hoodie — guaranteed to get you fucked up by some asshole somewhere. But stylish and warm.

(And buying it from Amazon.com won’t be buying into the same system as Wall Street. Not at all.)